Eco Party BoxLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Eco Party Box

Eco Party Box has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 109 designs from 16 different designers from around the world.
















Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Logo Designer
Looking forward to your feedback...Thanks so much... Peg

(This comment references Entry #50)
14 years ago
Hi Peg. Sorry it has taken us so long to get back to you for feedback.
Your design is very polished and very well done. We love the writing and the emphasis you have put on the word nature.
I'm not sure how it can be improved. Perhaps using different colours or getting a few animals crawling along the words may make a difference however what we really like with the others at no. 1 and 2 is that there is a very strong pictorial element to it and that is how we wish to brand the product at this stage.
I hope that helps, what you have come up with is great, we're just after something stronger as far as a picture in the design.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback...Here are the changes you asked for...Looking forward to hearing from you... Peg

(This comment references Entry #59)
14 years ago
Thanks for the changes Peg! We like the colours and box in #60 but we were wondering if you could get the plant to go right the way over the words up toothe word "party" kind of like in #59 but with the plant going a bit longer.
We'd love to see how that one looks.
We also love the butterfly sitting on the letter "x" and the "Invite Nature to Your Party" underneath "Eco Party Box" up to the word "Party".
Thanks, in anticipation.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Jonathan and Tina...Here are the changes you requested in your PM #102 #103.... "So here is our list:

1) The plant is just a bit too much going up in #60, can you lean it and shorten it so it hovers above the start of the letter "E".

We don't like it going through the words and letters after all and we felt the plant just went a little too high in #60.

2) Please make "Party" purple as in #84 and "Box" in the blue you have.

3) We like how the box in #83 has a shadow underneath the lids. We like it standing up and not tipping over.

4) Please add the snail with the party hat on :) (#83) and place it on the letter "a" and add the blue buttlerfly on the letter x (#83). And place a lady bug on the lid of the box (#84).

5) Just as one more addition, it was originally our idea which we gave to one of the designers so it is not copying, can you bring out a multi coloured bunting from the box so it hangs off the lid, falls to the floor and then lies among the few leaves scattered on the floor.

So once you get around to doing that can you please give us a design with the bunting and a design without it.

We are hoping you can make all these changes as we are pretty sure that will be it!

Thank you, in anticipation,

Jonathan and Tina " I have changed the snail to a lady bug because someone thinks its their concept...Looking forward to hearing from you ....Its been a lot of fun working on this contest... Peg
14 years ago
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