Color Preferences
We have the following hex codes for our brand colors: Blue (#2B91C5), Lime (#76B532), Pink (#CD1E73), and Dark Purple (#5C1758). The blue is our primary color and should be included in any logo option. The secondary colors are lime, pink, and dark purple. You can include all of the secondary colors in a logo, or only one or two of the secondary colors in addition to the primary blue.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We would like the logo to be a bit more fun and light-hearted. Maybe a gender neutral person popping through a laptop screen? Or a Zoom meeting screen grid with 9 participants and 1 of the participants is bright and colorful in a way that indicates they are a surprise guest? These are a few ideas but I am open to any creative ideas! The only other thing to note is that any fonts used in the logo should be similar to Lato or Arial.