Hi Edwin - Thanks for your first entries!
I think the concept of taking a bite out of the logo is fun. Visually, I like the "Eating" in #6 as it's strong and defined and I could see it being useful, but I also think it's too much like a cookie, which doesn't necessarily send the right "healthful" message.
I also think it's better to take a bite out of the "rules" in the logo (it's a bit more playful, less literal than biting into "eating") - so #9 conceptually is much better for me than #6. I'm not so keep on the fonts in #9, though. The "Eating" is a little too retro-looking. I can't quite put my finger on what I'm not liking about the "Rules" font - it might be that the "ules" are a little too upright? I'd love it if you would explore the "bite out of the rules" concept a little more.