Take a look. Still liking this, but believe to stay, it has to look more like the real house, i.e. Eastman house does not have the 4 columns. Curious if you can tweak. Thanks.
Also, might make sense to play with:
Nancy's Eastman House with sub title: The Sessions.
See extra file I uploaded with type from old Eastman House Magazine.
Super nice. Take a look at the photo. I can send another. photo The house is log and stone. It would need the horizontal beams to be effective. There are 4 eaves.
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Nancy's Eastman House, The Sessions.
Also, anyway to incorporate the house in center of the Crest. Know it would be small, but curious.
Nancy's Eastman House with sub title: The Sessions.
See extra file I uploaded with type from old Eastman House Magazine.