#4 - I like this logo as well. I like the simplicity of it and like the earth in the design more than I thought that I would. There are a couple of things that I would like to see people play with off of this design. Firstly, the colors and secondly the compass on the outside. Perhaps the cardinal directions could be larger points and the intermediate directions smaller. Also, it could be neat to see the cardinal directions N.S.E.W. written into the logo somehow. Perhaps inside the points themselves. If not the letters then something else to help people more easily identify the outside of the design as a compass.
#5 - I don't dislike the earth with the compass in this logo but I am not sure that I love the "symbol with words next to it" design. One issue is that the words are too small to read easily. I do however, really like that it states some of the core skills that we teach in the logo. Not sure how to tweak this logo enough to move it up closer to first place.
#17 - I really like this one. Very professional looking. Love the play off of the compass. My business partner thinks that it might be a bit too busy with the words inbetween the compass directions. We would like to see this disign with the compass needle oriented in several different directions.
#29 - Really like that it has the name of the school under the compass for visibility but it would be nice to see the comapss as a stand alone logo in addition to the name of the school. Perhaps combine some of the stand alone compass logos with the name under.
#19 - Really like this one as well as number 17. I like having the compass points on the outside so it the logo isn't just a circle and might be more recognizable from a distance. Also like that the overall logo shape resembles a sun or star.
#20 - Can you put really small compass directions with the tick marks along the inside of the comapss bezel? Also would like to see this design with the other earth silouette (white water dark landmass).
#34 and #35, with the tick marks on the inside, closer to the globe, and #35 also has a small reflection and shadow, and the lettering is the same size and different layout
#36 is a variation of #4, with tick marks, and dark globe
#34 - I would like to see this one with the spikes on the outside like #33 and with an without the compass needle in the middle. On the design with the compass needle please orient the needle NE, SW. I think you are getting close. I like how you moved the compass to the inside so it made the Earth Native bigger.
#34 - Ignore the comment above from 1:39pm (second to last feedback) and instead please tweak this logo as follows. Use the color on #35. Take out the tick marks on the inside edge of the outer ring. Use that space that was taken up by the small tick marks to increase the size of the font of the school name. Also take out the compass needle in the middle and add the spikes to the outside. One last thing, add the words Earth Native Wilderness School below. Thanks, I really appreciate all of the hard work you have put in on these logos.
Hello, thank you for the comments and suggestions, here are the revisions:
#40 and #41 ( with the name under), outer marks removed, so it is more clear for the name, needle is out and spikes are on the outside
#42 and #43, the same thing just with treatment like in #35 and #37
#44, inside (globe, marks, directions) is made a bit smaller, and the name stands out even more, because of the enlarged clear space on on the inside and out
If you would like to see any other option, please let me know!