#10, #7 - Tied for first ---- We really like both of these. Everyone here was divided over the earth or the compass. I am leaning toward the compass but they are very close. We think take out the 2011 so we are not highlighting that we are a new organization and perhaps a mock up without the inner words "survival, tracking etc." because many of us think these words might be too small and think it might be better to keep it simple. Though I personally kind of like the design as is minus the 2011. We would like to see #7 with the inner words replaced by the compass directions E. N. W. S. and perhaps replace 2011 with our initials E.N.W.S to tie it together though I'm not sure how that will look on a final mock up.
#9 Same feedback as number 10 but the consensus was that the blue water wasn't liked as much as the land mass silhouettes.
#8 Same feedback as #7 but we thought it was too dark
#25 - We really like this design but would like to see it with Earth Native across the top and Wilderness School on the bottom (where Austin Texas is now) perhaps seperated by small stars. Also would like to see the small text taken out of the inside and replaced with Austin, TX at the bottom center where 2011 was.