Sevi, Here are a few comments by members of our group. I like #10 and #9 out of what is on here, however I don’t see anything that is simple enough to stand on its own as a logo on a truck or shirt. All of them are a little “busy”. I almost envision something like a yin yang design with leaves to represent each side and the whole to represent the earth. Is that getting too specific?? Too abstract?
Sevi, Here are a few comments by members of our group. I like #10 and #9 out of what is on here, however I don’t see anything that is simple enough to stand on its own as a logo on a truck or shirt. All of them are a little “busy”. I almost envision something like a yin yang design with leaves to represent each side and the whole to represent the earth. Is that getting too specific?? Too abstract?
Sevi, There is a lot of interest in # 10- here are the various comments: can you remove the leaves on #10- alter the color choices they used for the wording- Can you alter one version to use the e (in the graphic) as the first but bold letter of the word earthlogic- Thanks, this is my first time doing this, I also plan to make a few general idea comments as well. I hope I am handeling this correctly.