Thanks for the pointer on directly communicating. You have done some great work here. There are easily 3 of these in our top 5. I will be rating these tonight and then getting some additional opinions in the morning. Thanks so much for your contributions. SMS
Black-Lyne, Number 4 lost points as others pointed out they may have seen something too similar in other designs. Here are some other comments from the group.
15 has promise in my eye, if we can encourage them to develop some form of a letter mark on the basis of that type of look as well. but it sort of lacks punch or brightness of color? If you look at 10 and 13, their color is what attracts me.
I almost envision something like a yin yang design with leaves to represent each side and the whole to represent the earth. Is that getting too specific?? Too abstract?
Number 15 and #10 recieved the most positive feedback, here is a note:
My favorite is #15 also, but I’d rather see the word “Logic” in either brown or the darker green that’s used in the abstract element. That light green color does not pop like you would it to.