thanks Paull. I like the integrated initials concept. i also like #11's 'eco' and #12's 'house', maybe a combination of the two, including color differences. for the images, i like #11 and the web 2.0 effect, though both of them are nice. maybe combining the words and adding a little orange splash would be good. thanks.
Hi Paull - thanks for the updates, looking good. I'd like to see the 'eco' as 'ECO' with a slightly thinner font and a slightly more subtle or smaller '2'. The #24 color mix is great... what would you do to turn this from a modern (which i asked for) to more of a classic? is there any blend of that style? thanks for your work. Have a great day! best, Zach
Speaking about more classic look, let's work with pure colours without any fancy effects (they can be added anytime later). Also, using balanced and unified typography (no different fonts for different words) gives stable, not so trendy (but also not an old school) look.
Hi Paull - thanks, I like it, especially knowing what you are doing with symbolism in design. What would this logo look like w/o the color gradient? Does it work as well? I really appreciate the submission! take care.
Paull, many thanks for coming back. Wow! W/o problems is right. You're making this fun.
I have one more thought... and I think its in the spirit of what you're doing here... how would you add a sun at the top, inside the outer circle? Would/could you? The new logo, especially ( #199 ), has a great look and feel to it; its iconic and looks like a symbol for something solid, so I don't want to distract from that look, but I do think it could bring even more things together and for the company its a forward looking symbol as well. Thoughts? Thanks, again!
You're fast. thanks. My minds eye (if the sun idea works at all, b/c i'm still partial to 199) is seeing a very small semi circle inside the outer circle from the top, somewhat like the early stage of an eclipse and shining down on the house. I like the pencil line b/w the circle and the house, but I also like how the roof lines connect with the outer circle... so maybe a preview of each one? Thanks again.
HI Paull - not quite, but thanks for the continued effort. its a little tough w/o providing actual markups of the design. try this.... think about a 2nd circle eclipsing the first from outside, like the inside of the outer circle has a bump on it (with and w/o a pencil line separating the two shapes). Another perspective... if the primary circle is like a large coin, think about a smaller coin coming in from the top of the logo... so the 2 circles wouldn't be concentric they would overlap. One more thought... think about a light bulb (but its the sun) hanging from the ceiling above the house, connected to the inner portion of the outer circle. I bet we get it. But as i said, the original may be all thats needed, as I truly enjoy the design as is. Thanks!
Hi Paull - #247 is it, with the exception that I would like to see the second circle's outside portion deleted i.e. not disrupting the outer circle on the outside. Once the "outside" part of the smaller circle is deleted, thats where i wanted you to play with a pencil line seperator or attached as it is (green or orange). We're really just playing around with this basic idea now... hope this isn't bugging you too much.
after that, three final design tweeks I'd like to see (and we're really just playing around here)... could you please replace the small bottom triangle, once with a circle, and once with a square (of the same size), and cross hatch the shapes to mimick a window hatch (so 4 very small squares). Finally, I'd like to see the original version 199 with the triangle nudged slightly up, where the bottom of the triangle is even with the semicircle created in the void space. if you've got time to do those, great, if not, as i've said, I'm happy with the original. Thanks, Paull.
I'm gonna post all the changes asap. And no, no bugging from your side, this is a creative process and I want to make a perfect logo for you... Updates coming soon.
You nailed it... these are great, just what i wanted to see! Now its just decision time... b/w these. May I please see #264 and #262 with monochrome color? Thanks, Paull.
Hi Paull - I'm going to select #199. Thank you and congrats! I have a question though... if after the contest is over, and I decide that I really liked #264 better, am I able to augment my basic #199 design to reflect a square window and sun at the top, or would that infringe upon your design work? Thanks again for making this a very fun experience and for the high quality design work you've submitted. I am completely impressed and satisfied with this experience! Thanks.