I like the choice of font. Can we see an option with out the dash between the E and pro. We like the idea of dotting the i in Direct in one of the blue colors but keep the font the same (no need to emphasize the dot in any way). Also the icon in the logo is very similiar to a competitor of ours so I would like to see a few more options for the icon in the logo. We also like the slight shadowing below the icon in the logo like in
Some examples of logo we like the look and feel of that are in the logo tournament portfolio include: Cybertek Consulting, Ricca Newmark, Prepay Plus, Smart Communications, Syzygy optics, Promo Startup, Pointel, Pure Insight Marketing, MessageAmp, and Hatchmap. That should give you a good idea of what we are looking for. Again, our company has 4 different products (Each represented by a different shade of blue) we offer so we need to incorporate that into the logo and maybe include the light gray color in the icon in the logo. As far as the name we like the use of a darker gray (maybe charchol gray) for Epro and a light gray for the Direct.
We want something completely different from our current logo so no use of arrows, etc... Thanks so much for your hard work!
Please also do not use the letter E in Epro as the "image" in the logo.