I like the logo #87, but I would like that you change the colour and you play with the simbol, for example, give it volume, or give it a little of perspective.
I like the logo #110, but I would like that "biotech" be a little bit higher. The colour of the figure, I would like to see a color gradient from black to orange.
I like so much the logo #125. I only want to see another version with another font of the letter, the same colours but a little more vivid, and the "biotech" word has the same widht as "e-comm"
I would like to see also the logo with the name of the company to the right of it.
Thank you! Yes, I like the colours og the logo #148, but I want to maintein the color gradient from black to orange. I like the font of this logo also, but you forgot the second "m" of e-comm!!
Please, put "biotech" like the logo #106, I mean, "biotech" and "e-comm with the same width!!, but with the font of the letter #148.
thank you for your logos. As you can see, I like so much the logo #150.
I truly believe that you can not improve too much the logo, but maybe you can shed some variant.
I wanted to ask if, once we have chosen the logo, you will provide us not only the logo image chosen, but for example, the same black and white version, with different positions d ela company name, with black background .. .
As you know, depending on what you use, it is sometimes necessary to play with these things so that the image fits.
for the logo i always deliver with black and reverse version for client, i also can give you all logo that i designed for your company in cased you to change it in other occasions, thats what i did with my latest winning logo BMG Media, we still contact for other job. I will send to you in EPS/PDF/PNG/JPEG format for the logo once you end the contest.