I like the Las Vegas Sign. I would like a powerful looking, strong, agressive dog worked into your design. We are a group of Gen Xer's. We want to be able to have an identifiable logo even at a distance, I think your design has that with the outline. The name of our group is the "ducati dogs" D.O.G.S., which is an abbreviation of, Ducati Owners Group Sin City. You could even simplify the wordiness of your design keeping in mind. D.O.G.S. or Ducati D.O.G.S. Thank you for your submission.
We love your design, will you please remove "DUCAT OWNER'S" from the title and instead PUT IN IT'S PLACE the title "DUCATIDOGS" . In entry #20 brighten the star, and add five stars at the bottom. On #21 remove the word "dogs" in its place put "Las Vegas", also remove "group Sin City" and add 5 bright stars. Make #20 look like #21 with the words & stars.
PAMORAN We love your talent, and appreciate your effort. We would like to buy your design if possible. I don't know how it would work, but we would love to use your submission. The vote went to a board, you are my favorite.I hope to be able to use your artwork. Thank you so very much! kelleyspielberg@mac.com