Hi !!! I love #23 !!! Could you do some variations? 1. The little man, smaller so it fits inside the star and a vertical flip of the star so it jumps forward, instead of falling over 2. Three versions: colour the man yellow, orange and as it is in white 3. Please add an exclamation mark at the beginning and align the words horizontally, as the word Vida is higher that the rest: ¡ Diseña Tu Vida !
Hi Roma !!! More feedback for the next updates, did I say already I love your design? :)
1. I love the colours of the start and little man in design #77. Could you make the degrading a little more dark at the base of the star? I love the degrading from dark to light, bottom to top :)
Could you merge both the star from #77 and the letters from #81?
3. I would like to have the DTV letters in #81 centered with the star 4. Also could you please center Diseña Tu Vida phrase and match the green shade with the star colours?
Once that is done, I want to see also how it looks without Diseña Tu Vida phrase: A) Star+DTV B) Star + DTV+ Junior (underneath DTV same letters & colours)
Hi Sohia. I have uploaded logo tweaks you`ve requested. also, I`ve made stars with different king of gradient (from right upper corner and center) may be you will like them+ horisontal logo composition (for some printing purposes may be). Hope I`ve done everything you have mentioned in your last feedback. If not, just let me know.