We like the idea of #112 it is in the right vein!! Please use the following color combos in the words not in the background! If you can make a 3-D effect with Drive Down "behind" Prices and .com in "front" of Prices.
To give you color direction for Blue and Orange use the colors like #57 or #87 they are right! For Blue and Green #136 or #76 they are right, or you could use the Blue in #100 with the same kind of treatment it has. For Orange and Green #86 has it right. The color change in the arrow of #83 arrow is great!
Great rework! I'll move this into top 10 with the changes in mind.
Great you are in the running we like the connection through the i's for the arrow. The colors are not quite right yet and need work! The colors need more depth and intensity we are looking for!
Color guide lines are #158 and #159 have those color combos nailed and color transition effect as well....Please try to incorporate into yours. The Blue Green in #76 or the blue even as intense as #100 is good.