Drishti BrandsLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Drishti Brands
Drishti Brands has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 121 designs
from 20 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Developing a brand to sell that is centered around yoga. Plan to start with tie dye yoga mat towel, so need a logo to place on the tag. Drishti means focused gaze in Sanskrit. Want the main logo to be Drishti and then brands written small underneath it.
Color Preferences
I am leaning towards something clean that really pops like a black and white logo, but open to seeing other options in blue or green.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Drishti means focused gaze in sanskrit. Thinking font with a bit exotic flair. Word Drishti to be the main pop and then the word brands smaller maybe in diagonal underneath the logo. Since it means focused gaze, would play with idea of having an evil eye somewhere, but also would like to see the option without the eye. Want to make sure Drishti is clean and pops.