variation... in box.. and uppercase name... obviously these can work in any color combination equally well.. so let me know if you would like to see them in any other colors.
Hey, can you split the difference between the tall one and the wide one? The tall one is too skinny, and while I like the wide one, maybe one where the "D" is more normal might be good too.
145 and 146 - I think I've seen this concept before or something like it. I'm wanting to be more original. This also has a "formality" to it I don't want to have.
Hey, can you split the difference between the tall one and the wide one? The tall one is too skinny, and while I like the wide one, maybe one where the "D" is more normal might be good too.
a you can see.. the colors change the mood a lot. so let me know what kind of colors you prefer and i can easily show you variations. (for both this and the other concept)