Thanks, Submitted #3 based on your request. Also added some finer details to the design, let me know if you need color and font adjustments and changes.
#3 is looking good, I like the simplicity of it. font is good, maybe try some different color combinations? Brown for the bottom cupcake wrapper and maybe a more pastel pink for "dreamscape" and a brown for "desserts"? Or maybe swap the green/brown color in the current #3 design also?
would it be possible to see the cupcake or some variation of it to the left of the text and have the overall logo more horizontal instead of vertical?
Is it possible to use the same shades of the brighter pink that used in #3 on the top of the cupcake in the designs for #18 and #19?
Also is it possible to use your design and put the "DreamScape Desserts" on one line with the tag line below it with some kind of line separating the two with your cupcake design to the left of it? (Similar to Designs #21, #22, #23)?
#57 is looking good, possible to make Gourmet Cupcake Bakery a little larger so it is more readable? I like the dark brown, it is a good contrast to the background.
try some different cupcake designs... maybe something a little more abstract? we have multiple people trying to make a decision on this logo, and its harder than we thought it would be. We like the font/layout style of #77, but we would be open to seeing any other cupcake ideas you can come up with.
thank you for the redesign on #98, its different but not something we all like.
Hi, I understand. Thanks for liking my font/layout and style, remember you cannot instruct other designers to follow the same path regarding the font and style since I feel the other entry font and style are closely following my pattern.
#106 looks good! A couple of revisions I would like to see are to remove the shadow, make the cupcake colors more vibrant, and maybe make the frosting on the cupcake a little taller. Thanks!!
#77 with the business name capitalized as follows "DreamScape Desserts". We would also like to see it in a more bold or thicker font with that same color scheme. Also, eliminate the shadowing effect on the cupcake please.