1. The tag line: 'Internationally Acclaimed Nutritional Biochemist, Author & Speaker' in a fluid line (not broken up onto two separate lines) on each logo 2. The logo (plus the tag line) in all black 3. The logo (plus the tag line) in all green 4. The logo (plus the tag line) in all white on green background 5. The logo (plus the tag line) all green with pink heart 6. The logo (plug the tag line) all green with pink heart, and the tag line in pink
The green to be used is in the briefing document. Please can you show us a hollow heart close to #136 with variations
Hello! Thank you for your feedback. I have adjusted my designs per your comments. I have submitted two different styles of "hearts" (#206 & #200) and then submitted additional designs to meet your color requirements. I was not sure what "green" you were referencing. I submitted in the lighter green, but can resubmit in the darker green if you would like as well. Please let me know if you would like to see additional variations or have more suggestions.
Thank you so much for your changes! They look great! Really love your designs
Please can you remove the full stop after Dr. (This is American only). Just Dr Libby
Please can you remove the tag line on entry #204 (we think we will have a separate tag line and will not include in the logo as it looks too crowded) and can we see how it looks with the solid pink heart not bleeding past the outline of the heart.
Also on this one can you also try lifting the line down the middle of the heart so it only goes half way and not right to the bottom of the heart as this makes it look like the heart is split in half.
In #211 I removed the stop and kept the logo as is (heart bleeding out) in #212 I removed the stop and adjusted the pink in the heart In #213 I removed the stop and adjusted the center line
I am more than willing to make as many adjustments you would like after the contest ends so that you are 100% happy. Let me know what you think!
Thank you so much! We have narrowed it down to you and one other person! We aren't quite there yet, we love lots of designs but would like to see a couple more changes just to compare!
Can you please resubmit
#203 with no tag line and the heart in pink and the Dr Libby writing in dark charcoal and black (2 options) #213 with the heart still pink but Dr Libby in black and in charcoal (2 options) #130 with the heart the same but again the writing in black and in charcoal (2 options)
If you can't submit posts please email leanne@drlibby.com and I will move you back to number 1 spot again.
Thank you for choosing my designs as one of the finalists! You have been a great client to work with!
I have made the requested changes:
#220 & #221 in Charcoal and Black #228 & #225 are in charcoal/black with a filled in pink heart #224 & #222 are in charcoal/black with an outlined pink heart #226 & #227 (removed the stop) and are both showing in black and Charcoal.
Please let me know if you would like to see any additional changes or design concepts!