I really enjoy your designs. Very esthetic and tranquil. The flower is my favorite, but it is too feminine for my brand. Please resubmit with a design like a ocean wave. A wave has multiple curls like a flower has petals. This could be very exciting! I like the multicolors of the tooth #110. #108 is near perfect, can you do this with a palm or banana leaf? I really enjoy these designs.
The Waves are nice, but in different directions, confusion. Can you take the lotus flower pieces and create a single wave that could be a C. the style of #109 and #110 is my favorite, I just want a different subject.
Thank you for making it 'thicker' as I said, but my true message was to give it a base so that it is grounded in the logo. I will try to find a better way to say this. Could you take the leaves of the lotus and arrange them as a wave? This would be great. You would have to modify the leaf shapes slightly so that it is curing forward, not just a starburst effect. Thank you.
I like the tranquil fish. Great design. Could you make it into something pertaining to my business? CA or tooth or a Christian fish? The wave in#254 could still be a C if you used the parts in a semi fan like the apeture of a cameracuring into a C wave. Your style is the best, I just need it to say something that conveys my message. You got the artistic, beautiful and tranquil parts down for sure!
Thanks for your interest in my designs. I am pretty excited to have them in my portfolio -- many will sell for sure so I am glad for the opportunity to have explored new ideas. Thank you!
I will be out of town for several days. I wish you the best in your contest.