My new favorite, thank you! Can I see one without the "' 's " ? Also, can you make the B more defined and less dog and cat backs (so just dog and cat neck, thus allowing a more defined letter B
I'm concerned when shrunk down I will lose the slogan. Can you put "We bring the care to you" below & enlarge CONCIERGE VETERINARY CLINIC. Also, can I see how it would look in just black in white
Great! Can I see how #109 looks using black, white, & red (no shading, although personally I prefer it!) also, the slogan--like it better on the bottom, maybe larger or different font?
#121 has it!!!!! Can you try a few different placements of the + sign. I like its horizontal placement, but can we try moving it down so its in line with the r (I like how it makes up part of the B silhouette).