#48 is great. #17 is also cool. do you think there is a way in them to represent different aged children? I like the single tone, clean design and round symbols.
Hello. Thank you very much for your ranking- I've just submitted new entries #90 and #91 with your suggestions. Feel free to ask me for any other modification you may need.
thats great! really like #90 and variations. feel free to play around with fonts/ colours but the base idea is really great and I'm super happy with it.
Three new entries, with three new colors and three new fonts #109, #110, #111. You can combine them in the way you preffer. Just tell me which color and font preffer and I will do a new entrie with them.
Hi Could you please try some variations of #90 where you reverse the image out of the blue circle and maybe add another element to tie the whole logo together? Cheers
Hi, Congratulations on winning! I was wondering whether when submitting the final log, would you be able to make a small/ medium and large version (all in colour) a black and white version a web version?
Thank you very much! I'm very glad you choose my design as the winner of your contest. There is no problem. I will submit the files you requested, but I would need an e-mail address to attach them. I will send them to you as soon as posible, but today I'm having problems with my conection. Perhaps I will be not able to send them until tomorrow.