This is one great job! Can you try if a few different ways for me. Can you move Celebrity Television to below dots, can you try it in red, and lastly, can you try it in lower case fonts? I also like this because you can separate the "o" in dots and the two dots underneath and create a secondary logo of just the three dots. Nice job!
#82 THRU #85 Are all extremly well done! Good job! Out of the new ones, I think I prefer #82 and #83, but I'm not sure I like them better than your original #70. Is it possible to see #70 but with the celebrity television underneath rather than on top?
Wow, you're fast! Nice job! Can you try #94 with the same size "celebrity television" as #82, I think it's too small to read, and also show me #94 in red please. Very good!
Great job in your redesign to my comments, All of your logos are very nice AND well done. Can you do another version for me, can you do #82 with the fonts of #94? In #103 and #104 the fonts are a touch different, also I don't like the exclamation mark as much.
Great job! I really like what you've designed! We're almost there, can I see #164 but on a white background and a dark charcoal grey background. More importantly, can you do #164 but with the "celebrity television" written like #83 (except make the i a capitol like in #82), also, I like the dark grey like in #82. Is it also possible to make the "celebrity" a touch thicker than the "television"?
One in a white background and one in a charcoal background, with the typing next to the lower dot. Thanks for all the feedback your providing, it helps alot!
Again, great job! Can I see #188 again, but this time with flat dots, not the ones you have now, which have that 3d look. I want to see how it looks with dots rather than balls.