They're all very nice, but none of them say the same of the network, which is "dots!". I can't imply the name, I need to write it. Can you try these adding dots as THE most dominant word on the page. Nice job though.
Hi! I'm sorry about that! I must have misread your instructions -- I thought you wanted to be able to show the logo without the name eventually, so I was going for something that expressed the word "dots" without actually saying it! Silly me! Here are some new ideas. If you particularly like any of the dot arrangements I did before that I'm not including now, just say the word! I'm having a lot of fun here. Such a simple concept, but SO MANY ways to arrange it. Love it. Thanks for your consideration! And your feedback is invaluable, so please, keep it coming!
#64 and #65 (also #61 and #63) use the dot in the exclamation point as one of the dots in the design. In #65, the idea is that the dots act as an ellipsis.
I have to be honest, from #59 on, are all very good. I really like the fonts in #59 and #61, especially #59, but I like the multi dots in #60 thru #65. Can you try them in red, also, can you put a pattern of dots underneath the logo? I think you might have convinced me to go back to "celebrity television"! Good job!
Hi amruvka, here are some more designs for your consideration. Please start ranking the designs and marking the ones you don't like as "not interested". At this point, it's not clear to any of us designers which designs you like the most -- your rankings provide us with valuable direction. Thank you!
Way to go! I think these look great! I think you really nailed it with #90! I can see a secondary logo in the future of just the dots. Thats what I'm looking for out of this logo.
I love your logo. My biggest reservation is that I think the dots is a bit small next to the dots and the celebrity television is a bit small and hard to read, and that's not good. Can you do the celebrity in red again and the television in a lighter grey, like you did in #90. If you look at #90 and #306 side by side, you can see the difference is size of the two letterings. Also, try #90 but space the letters apart, that might work also.
#461 "dots" is larger in proportion to the dots image in this and all of the new entries #466 tilted the exclamation point similar to my entry #64 #462 tried the black outline with letters spaced further apart (not sure that it works) #463 used a curvy exclamation point, also at an angle like my entry #64 #464 tried #463 with black outlines, not as far apart, but still more readable than #90 (again, not sure that it works -- i think you'll be happier in the long run without the outlines) #465 wanted to show you what the logo might look like reversed, in this case over the red of the original (i must say it really pops!)
I hope you like them! Also, if you are leaning toward this design, you might like to know that even after the contest ends, the first ranked designer can still do variations for you. So if the contest ends and goes into judging, if I am still ranked #1, you can ask me for more revisions to fine tune the final logo. Same goes for any designer if you decide that you prefer another logo. Of course, I hope you'll pick mine!
Hi Lindsey! Great job on the variations! Yes you are still in first place. Can you redo #463 by making the "dots" the size of the black outlined "dots" in #464. The black lines make it just a touch bigger and I like that size a little better. Also, can we do another version with the "celebrity television" in all caps. I think I would like to see this because the dots is in lower case. Again, good job!
Hi, here are the variations you requested -- I think I've covered everything. There are two sets of designs here. One set has "dots" larger as requested and "celebrity television" still in all lower case in five different colors (I stuck with bright colors, because I imagine that to be appropriate for the medium and the content). The other set has "dots" larger as requested and "celebrity television" in all caps, also available in the same five colors. Please let me know what you think! Many thanks!
Thanks for the variations< they all look great! I like the design that I have ranked 1st, my only concept is that the fonts got a little thick. What do you think of making them just a touch thinner? I also like the dark red. the other thing that I'll ask, is our website has a charcole grey background, how would you suggest we treat that? Can you do one on a charcole grey background just to see how that looks?
So, eww. Red over charcoal is very low contrast. In order to make that work -- regardless of the logo -- it requires the use of white and/or black to set off the two colors.
#513 is the logo with a thinner font. The rest are options for logo over charcoal: #514 you can simply reverse the logo, but you lose the red. #515 you add a white stroke to some red elements but also mix in white. #516 you can place the logo over a white background, such as a circle #517 you can use a white stroke with a white glow in the background #518 you can use a white stroke and a dark drop shadow, but this is still a bit low contrast.
I'm still working, but wanted to get these options up here. But as a designer, I would recommend that if you go with a red logo, you consider a different background color for your website. You should let your logo dictate what your website looks like -- not the other way around. Just my advice!
If you want to send me the exact color (in PMS value or Hex) of your website background, my options will be more realistic.
I think i still like #508, but can I see it with the celebrity television done like my 2nd place logo and also a version done in the color of my 5th place logo? Keep up the nice work!