dotNet RealtyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / dotNet Realty

dotNet Realty has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 446 designs from 55 different designers from around the world.




















































Logo Designer
i created this icon by using two cursor shapes to form a roof. i removed the stems from the cursors so as not to make them too obvious but i can add them in if you want.
any other feedback would be great,

(This comment references Entry #38)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
looks nice in monotone as well

(This comment references Entry #39)
15 years ago
Thank you this is a very interesting design, it's not strong enough but I like the idea. I would really like to see "realty" slightly more bold, and a little darker blue. My concern is this logo will be printed on real estate signs and the light blue may be hard to see.

The roof form is great and so subtle and I would like to see something that makes it look a little more like a house, not sure what that would look like though. Thank you very much!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for the feedback.
in this new version i completed the cursor shapes to make them really obvious and then added a simple rectangle which acts as a chimney and makes the two cursors into a house =)
let me know what you think

(This comment references Entry #60)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
another version which i think has more of a balance between the house shape and the cursors

(This comment references Entry #61)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
original one with the new blue and chimney

(This comment references Entry #62)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
and another variation

(This comment references Entry #63)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
and another, this one is probably more appropriate because the circle shape nicely ties in with 'dot' in the name

(This comment references Entry #64)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
'flat' version that will be much more printer friendly (im happy to supply you with a few different version if i win: shiny, flat, black and white, logo next to and on top of text etc)

(This comment references Entry #65)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
horizontal version (usually better for website banner use depending on the site layout)

(This comment references Entry #66)
15 years ago
I'm liking #62 with the color combination. The pointers are starting to grow on me. Maybe again without the chimney however strengthening up the word realty below potentially trying it as well in Upper Case...

The more I look at this logo the more I like it. I think with the new color combination without the chimney this could be in the top 3 or 4.
15 years ago
Also I'm going back to without the tails... Pushed together it looks like a UFO... Not sure that's what we would be looking for ;) #'s 61 - 66 especially (not including 62)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
here is the requested version with a different type option, let me know if you prefered the original

(This comment references Entry #75)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
and with the original typeface

(This comment references Entry #76)
15 years ago
I like the original type face in #76 but maybe the width of the word REALTY as in #75... I'm trying to visualize this on a For Sale Sign in front of a home and being seen from a distance which is why the stronger colors.

Also maybe a variation with a dot with the image of the two pointers (new version like in #76) inside. Similar to #66 with the darker blue again. Ideas for this version are things like polo shirts, hats where the logo would be a bit more compact in terms of height.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for the detailed feedback, keep it coming.
where you thinking something like this?

(This comment references Entry #77)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
horizontal version

(This comment references Entry #78)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
glossy web version

(This comment references Entry #79)
15 years ago
I'm thinking for #77 - #79 that either the blue dot which would likely mean the blue text would need to be lighter to get the slate colored pointer to not get washed out or preferably the slate pointer and accompanying text would need to be a bit darker... I like the idea, however on my screen the slate pointer is blending in too much with the blue background.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
i see what you mean, how about this?

(This comment references Entry #80)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
of course there is no reason why we cant add in another accent colour, i really like this one =)

(This comment references Entry #82)
15 years ago
I do like the accent color though my thoughts are on a real estate sign it might be a bit washed out. Maybe some additional accent color ideas like #82. I'm thinking the lime (if that's the color) is a bit light and would get washed out on a sign in terms of again looking at the sign at a distance... We discovered that on our existing signs when we branded a couple of years ago when the blue ended up looking washed out at a distance which is why I really also like the darker blue.
15 years ago
Thank you! Can I see #76 with a capital "D" and "N". I am also interested in a version where "DotNet" is inside the roof icon.

There was some feedback from our focus group to separate the words "Dot" and "Net" slightly as well.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
as requested:

(This comment references Entry #106)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
as requested

(This comment references Entry #107)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
further development of the idea...

(This comment references Entry #130)
15 years ago
I like #130 but I'm finding it a bit too close to a competitor:
15 years ago
Per prior note: That was me logged in with another account.
15 years ago
Just and FYI: #106 I'm seeing as a very solid logo... I've moved it down in the short run as some others who are reviewing logos with me are liking some of the other logos. As we wrap up the contest any additional variations on this would be great. I don't really know how to improve it as I think its solid as it is now, but if you have any ideas I would certainly be interested in seeing them.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
cool thanks for keeping me up to date, really appreciate it. I'm also a bit stumped as to how i can improve on it as its the simplicity that makes it attractive and any additions seem to just make it worse but ill see what i can do.

i still think #61 was a really strong concept though =)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
colour variation

(This comment references Entry #204)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
just had this idea, mouse house =)
im trying to give you something that will make you stand out from the crowd rather than just the same old generic house shapes and swooshes, any feedback would be great =)

(This comment references Entry #205)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
with a window

(This comment references Entry #206)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
in a circle

(This comment references Entry #207)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
colours reversed

(This comment references Entry #208)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
same concept on its side

(This comment references Entry #209)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
i think the window works really well on this side version

(This comment references Entry #210)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
also don't forget that all of these designs will work in any format / on any medium (web, print, signs, i can provide version without the shadows and gradients for signs) and most importantly will still be really strong in black and white

versatility is a critical part of a logo =)
15 years ago

I'm really liking #205 & 206 as you put it a "mouse house"... Personally I think its a strong logo again something as you pointed out that should work well in black and white as well as in color...

Thanks a bunch for all the great submissions... This logo tournament is amazing. This was my first idea to run here and I can tell you I've got lots of ideas that I am looking to run through here that wouldn't have seen the light of day without such a cool platform for logo design.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
yea i was particularly happy with that one, thought it was a real winner. one of my more clever ideas if i do say so myself =)
sometimes as a logo designer i have what i think are great ideas but then when i actually create it on the screen it just doesn't work but this one turned out even better than i thought it would
i think the real strength of it is that its both versatile and very memorable, people will remember "that real estate website with the mousehouse logo" much more effective than "you know, that real estate site with the.. house... for a logo"

let just hope the rest of your team agrees =)
15 years ago
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