Well EnzoBluebird, I think you have won the competition. Before I select you as the winner would you be able to adjust a few things here and there post competition? Also, could you give me several different final designs: Regular color, logo for dark/black backgrounds (all white), One with Dorma Red and one with Dorma Black, and One with All black except red dot in bulls eye and cancer.
As for
#146. The idea behind our company is that we target the very smallest cancer cell. So if the cells could go from larger to smallest (for example outside larger cells and smaller as they approach the target.) So the two outside small cells certainly need to go.
Also, can I see what it would look like with the red color being a little darker.
I must say if I hadn't of done a double take on this initial concept I would have never gone this route. But it was certainly unique to put the bullseye in the D and not the O.