I like your stuff #31, 25, 26.... I'd like to see the logo's look more serious. Maybe make that cancer cell part of the O in DormaTarg. I'm not crazy about the color's either. I want sharper and more crisp colors. Thank you for your work.
If I put you first can you redo design #88. I like color scheme and font of #95 (I like all caps but D and T larger than other letters.
Also can you make the symbol DT actually spell out Dorma Targ. (Dorma on top, Targ on bottom, "targeting cancer recurrence" on very bottom (or where ever you think).
We really like this concept but we think it needs some work. Besides the ideas in my previous message above. I'd like to see at least one version with the font from similar to #109. Best of luck. Please make revisions ASAP. Thank you.
Thank you for the feedback. I have done some new versions, but as the contest is now in the Judging Phase only the first ranked designer can submit new entries. You can change the ranking to enable me to submit these new designs - please send a message that you have changed the ranking in case I don't notice the ranking change.
#121 - same as #88 but in black and red. #122 - small caps version of #88 in the typeface you requested. #123 & #124 - versions with the name ranged against the D & T.
#125 - a small caps version of #88. #126 & #127 - different arrangements of the words in the same typeface. #128 - a different Roman typeface than #122.
I like the new designs, I think we are getting closer with #123 and #124.
1. Can you try one logo where the D is the just slightly bigger than the ORMA 2. Another where the cancer cells are darker. and I don't know if you intentionally made it where the Large cells are out of our scope/range but very cool if you did. Maybe see about making the cells near the bulls eye even smaller. 3. On #123 what would it look like to stack and stagger or just stack "targeting cancer recurrence" Targeting Cancer Recurrence Thank you.
In all these new entries I have made the cancer cells slightly darker and the two inner ones slightly smaller. Also ORMA and ARG are larger. #129, #130, #131 & #132 - these have the same style D & T as #123 & #124, with a different style for the strapline. #133, #134 & #135 - these have a different style for the D & T to match ORMA & ARG. In #135 the grey cancer cells even more dark.
Let me know if you would like to see other options.
1. "targeting cancer recurrence" on #134 (maybe one option with Cancer red in the middle) 2. Maybe one where the Dorma is red and the Targ is black. one like #124 and #130. 3. If the #124 style, We'd like to see the DT a little thicker 4. Can we try some new variations of cancer cells... maybe one with them smaller and more.
Well EnzoBluebird, I think you have won the competition. Before I select you as the winner would you be able to adjust a few things here and there post competition? Also, could you give me several different final designs: Regular color, logo for dark/black backgrounds (all white), One with Dorma Red and one with Dorma Black, and One with All black except red dot in bulls eye and cancer.
As for #146. The idea behind our company is that we target the very smallest cancer cell. So if the cells could go from larger to smallest (for example outside larger cells and smaller as they approach the target.) So the two outside small cells certainly need to go.
Also, can I see what it would look like with the red color being a little darker.
I must say if I hadn't of done a double take on this initial concept I would have never gone this route. But it was certainly unique to put the bullseye in the D and not the O.
Do you want more designs now or after you have chosen one of my designs as the winner? After a winner is chosen I submit a final design for approval which would incorporate your comments above, and you still have the opportunity to make more tweaks and minor alterations on resubmitted final designs until you are happy with the design. The logo variations for different backgrounds etc. is no problem.