my proposal. it's D and C. #11 in horizontal layout #12 in vertical layout #13 degradable in black and white. just want to show you how it looks like in monotone color, it's still look good so that it will still be recognizable in different kind of medium, ie: fax, copy papers, etc.
hello, thanks for the feedback. so here are the updates: #25 with 3 spot colors, no gradients. horizontal layout. let me know if you need the vertical layout too. #26 with 2 spot colors, no gradients, vertical layout. #27 with 2 spot colors, no gradients, vertical layout. #24 new icon with 2 colors
A mi sinceramente me gusta mucho el #11 pero creo que puede ser problematico para imprenta, por lo cual el #27 con el icono en un azul más oscuro, por ejemplo te paso los valores en RGB: R:0 G:79 B:135 nos gusta más.
La posición del círculo que sea la que tiene el #25.
My sincere I really like # 11 but I think it can be problematic for printing, so the # 27 with the icon in a darker blue, for example, you pass values in RGB: R: 0 G: 79 B: 135 we like.
The position of the circle that is the one with the # 25.
oh wow, in Spanish language :) that's really cool. thank you for providing me the translation in English :) yes, because #11 have lots of gradients, so it maybe suitable more for websites. so okay i will update design #27 to use horizontal layout like #25, with color RGB:0/79/135
just for information. upon completion of the contest (that is if you select my design) you will get all variation of my design. that includes the full gradient logo (for use on websites), flat color, black/white/monotone, vertical and horizontal layout. also you will get various file format (most importantly adobe illustrator .eps and .ai) also rasterized jpg and transparent png. so basically you will complete package of the logo and you can use it for any kind of medium whether it's for web or printing. it's my standard service ;)
hello, ok here i have new designs. still play on letters DC, these are abstract d and c, #150 and #151 and one more concept of having a speech bubble (i use speech bubble to picture 'consultores') #152
Inform you that your proposal will be chosen, it is important that we include in the illustrator file variants of the logo that we have done as proposed yesterday, I also need to tell us the font you used.
As is the first time we use this service will not be soon takes to send files.
and for info, original files will be sent after you choose the winner. they are eps and ai for vector, jpg and png for raster. and they will have vertical/horizontal layout, gradient/flat/ b/w color. the font is neotech medium and standard.