Dolin AudioLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Dolin Audio Dolin Audio has selected their winning logo design. For $400 they received 144 designs from 29 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client jDaz United States What We Do We are a brand of high end audio, specifically tube amplifiers and speakers, that are designed to bring back the awesome sound that digital audio has taken out of music. Industry Technology Color Preferences These colors seem like they would work well with this brand: Red Blue Orange Themes LuxuryMasculine Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st Aptana Withdrawn 2nd Luckykid Withdrawn 3rd Manner 4th YINGBU 5th moxlabs Withdrawn 6th The Day Withdrawn 7th zonpipo 8th moxlabs 9th moxlabs Withdrawn 10th zonpipo Withdrawn New pusaka Withdrawn New zonpipo Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New insignificart Withdrawn New zonpipo Withdrawn New hebigutz Withdrawn New piyetoki Withdrawn New zonpipo Withdrawn New zonpipo Withdrawn New slab04 Withdrawn New slab04 Withdrawn New piyetoki Withdrawn New slab04 Withdrawn New prokor Withdrawn New slab04 Withdrawn New budiyanto Withdrawn New H2Logo Withdrawn New shoelist Withdrawn New Raj3ndra Withdrawn New shoelist Withdrawn New piraka Withdrawn New Aptana Prefers others. moxlabs Prefers others. Donadell Prefers others. buxra Prefers others. buxra Prefers others. YINGBU Prefers others. piraka Prefers others. piraka Prefers others. piraka Prefers others. moxlabs Prefers others. moxlabs Withdrawn Prefers others. HerDish Withdrawn Prefers others. HerDish Withdrawn Prefers others. HerDish Withdrawn Prefers others. HerDish Withdrawn Prefers others. HerDish Withdrawn Prefers others. zonpipo Withdrawn Prefers others. zonpipo Withdrawn Prefers others. Aptana Withdrawn Prefers others. Aptana Withdrawn Prefers others. Aptana Withdrawn Prefers others. Aptana Withdrawn Prefers others. Aptana Withdrawn Prefers others. yosaiki Withdrawn Prefers others. Aptana Withdrawn Prefers others. Aptana Withdrawn Prefers others. Aptana Withdrawn Prefers others. Aptana Withdrawn Prefers others. Aptana 1 2 3 1 ... 3 Next > Discussion jDaz Client We are looking forward to seeing some awesome designs! Thanks for participating and best of luck :) 10 years ago jDaz Client Hi All - great ideas so far! Please take into consideration the following as you design:1. We are bringing back the classic tube amplifier for modern music.2. In addition to the amp we will be producing speakers and a turntable (so records/vinyl will be important in our marketing).3. All of our products are high end audio yet will be priced for our target market. 10 years ago