Is it possible to change the font in DNA on 13 and 14....although i really like the font, It's hard to decipher the "D" ...possibly something along those same lines but more definitive? thanks!
Could you provide different fonts for #34 on the DNA? I want to make sure the "D" looks like a D as compared to an "O". I like the organization and emphasis on rehab and performance. thanks
Could i see the same "DNA" font in #34 (with the "A" done the same) with the same font thickness in #89 with same logo on top from #93 (thinner logo). Thanks!
#104 #103 logo with the same font thickness #105 #106 look at this logo that the symbol does not line up the same way as with previous. This is for the font. #102 #107
#184. could you cut the "N" logo in half and use the left side as the "D" and the right side as the "A". maybe the "N" can be a simple connector. hoping it won't look too busy. thanks
can I see the "A" in 165 in the same font as 102? Also, can you keep the distance of the logo the same as the distance from the active performance and rehab? thanks
#188 #189 #190 i think that this form dont works very fine #187 #191 #192 in this way by forcing the letter given transform, this is a bit deformed ... you should see if it meets your expectations ... I give my view from my work with it