Wow! Very cool design! You're definitely onto something here. I'd like to see if you can do something different with the two lines of text underneath "dmmg". I think it needs to be shortened to one line (e.g. "Dance Music" only) or the Web 2.0 may need to be right-aligned. It actually looks OK as-is, but I'd be curious to see some variations if possible.
Can you please also try to substitute a few colors so I can see what it would look like with lighter inner background color, etc. Feel free to also play with the outer color too.
#57 is my favorite out of the group. Can I see what it would look like without the border around the lines? I like the clean lines like you had in #44.
I still prefer #96 over #112, but I think the colors are too feminine. Can you make them more masculine? The blue I like... it's just the red/pink that's throwing me off. I also like the placement of "Dance Music Web 2.0" so please leave it where it is.
#137 is a great design too, but that one in particular would be difficult to see on any background other than black. Can you improve its ability to be placed on different colored backgrounds? You don't need to demonstrate this with a bunch of colored backgrounds. Simply show me how it would look on a white background and I'll use my imagination. If it looks good there, it will certainly look good on other colors too.