#3 I am intrigued by the "reflection". One concern I have is reproduction on embroidered items but I am imagining it could be removed for that single application? Is there anything else I should be concerned with about that effect?
I like the look of the "Productions" centered underneath but had in my minds eye that somehow it would appear bottom right under "Kintzer".
It doesn't have to remain 100% identical to the way it is...for instance, if I had my way, I would choose only the "D" from signature
#8 in the .pdf supplied, and place that with signature #9 on the .pdf replacing that "D". Also, circling back to the previous paragraph, maybe the "DMK" would be significantly larger than "intzer" and then "Productions" underneath...don't know if that can be done...or if it would even look right. Just my amateur thoughts. Additionally regarding the signature, I once saw what I will refer to as a 3D type effect applied to the signature. It was kinda like a treatment of sorts to the signature...it almost looked like thermography meets polished metal. With that in mind, please consider my color suggestions if/where possible.