#3 I am intrigued by the "reflection". One concern I have is reproduction on embroidered items but I am imagining it could be removed for that single application? Is there anything else I should be concerned with about that effect?
I like the look of the "Productions" centered underneath but had in my minds eye that somehow it would appear bottom right under "Kintzer".
It doesn't have to remain 100% identical to the way it is...for instance, if I had my way, I would choose only the "D" from signature #8 in the .pdf supplied, and place that with signature #9 on the .pdf replacing that "D". Also, circling back to the previous paragraph, maybe the "DMK" would be significantly larger than "intzer" and then "Productions" underneath...don't know if that can be done...or if it would even look right. Just my amateur thoughts. Additionally regarding the signature, I once saw what I will refer to as a 3D type effect applied to the signature. It was kinda like a treatment of sorts to the signature...it almost looked like thermography meets polished metal. With that in mind, please consider my color suggestions if/where possible.
You don't have to worry about the reflection effect, it can be easily removed when you want the design embroidered and printers reproduce it very well these days.
As for the font, I will try to upload a couple of new versions with your suggestions to see how these look :)
I have analyzed the submissions to death I think over the last few days, and tried to determine the best elements. It looks as though, you have taken my signature, and adjusted some things...particularly sizes and beefed up the thickness of the signature. Great!
Something I am still trying to decide upon, is the positioning of the word "PRODUCTIONS". I like some sort of line incorporated with it...and I do believe that I am leaning towards the gold...especially, the gold that seems to have varying hues to it.
My concern is, the ethics of applying the line and positioning of the word "PRODUCTIONS". I am guessing that anyone can use a line, and the positioning of the word "PRODUCTIONS" is certainly not proprietary either. The thing that has attracted me to your design most, is that you took the direction as it pertained to my signature, and added some of your own input. I like that you connected the "D" to the "M" (or so it appears). I like that you connected the "t" to the "z" (or so it appears). It's like, you took my best sig, and made it better. I like that that shows me you have the potential to tweaking even minor things, as I might have one or two other minor things.
I am sorry, I don't think I mentioned, I was referring to the #2 design.
Also, I forgot to mention...have you given any thought to considering adding the slogan? I haven't really pushed anyone in that direction, because I wanted to finish on the main piece. Do you think the slogan would be too much? I have considered applying the slogan separately so that it's not part of the actual logo. Not really sure.
One final thing, I have mentioned about a "3D" effect to the sig in the past...had you given this any thought? Please don't misunderstand...I do like the sig as it is...I am just thinking/wondering what it would look like "3D". My understanding is, there is a setting or effect in one of the design programs (I am not an expert here) called "chroming" or something like that?
Hi again, sorry I didn't respond, was quite busy these days. Anyway I have uploaded two new versions with gold gradient: #47 and #48
I personally think that the signature is a bit too thin for a 3D effect. But of course that's just me :) I have added a subtle black shadow below the letters so that they look more prominent. And I have added the slogan in the second one. I'd appreciate it if you tell me what you think.
I will try to work more on the incorporation of "Productions" in the signature itself. In the meantime If you think of anything else let me know :)
Good stuff! I think we like the CAPS for the slogan better. Not quite sure how I feel about the different gold...not sure which I like best of that effect.
A concern that was brought up was, this logo will change with the different offerings so, where you currently have "PRODUCTIONS", will change to a couple different things...including "WEDDINGS", "PRO AUDIO/VIDEO", "CONSULTING", "ENTERTAINMENT", AND "VOICE". You can see that voice will create a bit of a problem visually, unless you have another thought. My thought is, something we have considered doing with "VOICE" instead is, "VOICE TALENT".
There were some other things that were talked about...seeing the same design with only one line below "PRODUCTIONS" and slide "PRODUCTIONS" up closer to the sig. Another was to consider adding a rich looking red to the logo...possibly to the line...or possibly to the slogan...not really sure here.
I definitely want to reiterate, you are the professional here so, your feedback on things that might look bad and why, is very important to me.
Ok, so here's what I came up with :) #55 - only one line as you suggested #56, #57 with some red accents. Although if I have to be honest I wouldn't go with red and gold. On the dark background the red is quite unnoticeable and If I make the line bolder it takes away the attention from the signature which we do not want. I know you want to stick to the gold, but I made a version with silver and red which go together a bit better, just in case #58 #59, #60, #61 are just a couple of options with the different taglines - like if the word is short, small lines can be added etc.
You have been great through this whole process...thank you! I hope I am not the equivalent of a "Bridezilla" to you as a customer...if so, I apologize.
You make a good point and I might be leaning your direction with the gold/red issue...but I was wondering, could I see you change #57...the "PRODUCTIONS" to the same gold as the sig, and it seems like the red line in #58 is thicker and a different red (I realize the color may appear different because of the silver in the sig though), I would like to see what appears to be a thicker line in #58 with the gold "PRODUCTIONS".
Here's the update. And please, feel free to ask for any changes or any ideas you have in mind. After all it's your logo and you should be pleased with the results.
Could I also see how this will translate to "black and white"? I get requests when sponsoring things, to include my logo in one color, and most times, it's like a black print on a white t-shirt.
and the ones on white: #78, #79 and one without the shadow effect #80. On white the line looks thicker so I have narrowed in at the sides, I can keep it straight if you'd prefer that, of course.