Sorry to not give you more time, but i really like #243, other than the font of the D and the L in the circles. Not sure what I would change but I really don't like that font.
Hi, Thanks for feedback. Yes I would really like to give you revision but contest is in top 5 and since I am not in top 5 I can't do so. If you can put me in top 5 I will able to give you revision ASAP.
ok so #289 is a little better, but don't mess with the colors just yet. With the original, here's what was bothering me.... my eyes went from a beautifully stylized bike rider to the most completely unstylized D and L. It clashed in my brain. So I am wondering what those letters would look like highly stylized. Maybe not good but I am having a hard time picturing it in my head. Swoopy, curvy letters that evoke movement.
Since the contest is in the judging mode I shall not be able to upload any revised files here, only the first rank holder can submit revision to the designs, so if you could put me in first rank till I give you the revision then it would be great.