So, I LIKE THIS. The idea of the abstract letterform mark. I had never considered that my initials could be done in such a way, but it works pretty well. I would like the D to be slightly more obvious and the L maybe a tiny bit.
Also, I might like it better if those hard sharp lines, kinda lightning bolt form, were softened or curved a bit. Without losing the energy, but maybe making it a ittle more organic.
Also, I think no yellow. With that shape and style I think you need something bright like yellow, just not yellow. Some of the oranges people have been using are close, but I think there is a more reddish/purple/orange out there that will work. Like all the colors of fire drawn together. Maybe like the stems of really vibrant swiss chard.
Also, if we could use that same abstract form and get those letters a little more obvious (obvious from abstract, go for it!) we could dispense with the printed DL next to the MULTISPORT, and just use the letterform itself.
I see what you did by flip flopping the colors on TECHNICALLY THE BEST, but I think that needs to be the same blue all the way. This reddish color I dream of will be well represented by one mere letter of the letterform, so vibrant is its' energy.
This is the most feedback I have given. While this is not my favorite logo, this is my favorite approach so far.