Dive WorldLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Dive World

Dive World has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 63 designs from 7 different designers from around the world.
Prefers others.


HI there, thanks for this, it is something we would like to work with more. we don't like the red - maybe just using navy, aqua and a tan/sand would be good. We like what you have done with the diver - is there any way you could somehow include with that a sphere (symbolising the world) with maybe the diver and a fish/ray.
14 years ago
Hello, thanks for all your submissions. Maybe we are asking for too much as we still prefer your first submission to the others. I like the inclusion of the ray in #11 but maybe the world behind it is too much. #12 and #13 aren't right for us. Would you mind doing a version of #1 with the same graphic but with the ray - maybe make the graphics a bit smaller and change the words "diving the world together" to "scuba diving:spearfishing:freediving". We would just like to see how that looks.

thanks so much again for your submissions.
14 years ago
Hi there, we still like #4 the best and were wondering if you could do the following:

1. Make DIVE WORLD sentence case i.e. Dive World
2. Put a bit more dark blue in the words
3. Remove "diving the world together" and put "scuba diving, spearfishing, freediving)

We aren't too keen on the box ones, but your first entry is good. We weren't too keen on the red either so maybe keeping with our colour options would be good (dark blue, marine blue and tan - to give you an idea of the tan shade the rgb would be about r135, g105, b73). thanks so much and we look forward to seeing what you can do.
14 years ago
Hi, we love this! Great job. Couple of things:

1. we still like the outline diver you presented in your first submission best - instead of the block colour and with the apparatus. Not sure whether we would like this diver still in the red or in the tan colour - see what works.
2. The blue is good, but can you blend it with some more aqua. Having the 'shiny' effect is good.

Thanks thanks thanks!!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback. I will start working more on giving this logo the shiny effect.

(This comment references Entry #41)
14 years ago
Hi! You are the best yet. I am sorry we are so fussy but we feel that this is so important to our business and just want it to be perfect. If we had known what we wanted to start with we would not have had to take this process.

Please keep up entry #55 up as we like it. Could you possibly do another one the same but with the following:

Option 1
1. make the dark blue a bit more navy as opposed to royal blue.
2. integrate in a little more aqua - possibly even a slight wave of aqua at the top of the text (flowing through from what you have done in the diver), then merging down into a navy blue at the bottom.
3. Use the by line in #41

14 years ago
Hello again, it would be really great to see the slight variations as per my above comment. What you have done really works for us so we are eager to have it 'tweaked' to suit our colours. thanks.
14 years ago
oops, sorry, I hadn't seen you latest submission when I sent my above email. Please disgregard. thanks for resubmitting.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry it took so long. Let me know if you have any other variations you would like to see. Maybe a BLK/WHT?
14 years ago
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