Hi, here is my submissions (#16, #17, #18, #19). Hopefully pleased. Please feel free to contact me for any requests. And please let me know if you need any changes/modification. Thanks
Hi, I really like the mark in #20, but I think the tyoe will be hard to read at a smaller size. Can you try a version with the type below the three tags. Thanks
I also really like #16 an #17. Can you try a version where the DS has the same perspective as the tag. Its a hard choice between, #16, #17, and #20. Great job.
And here's the updates (#66, #67,#68, #69, #70) for revision of #16 and #17 (with any variation and layout). Please let me know if you need any other changes. Thanks
We really like number #76. Can you try a version without the gloss on the tag. We feel that it might be too "slick " looking.
Also, we really like your style of design and wanted to introduce a new concept but with the design styles you're using. Instead of tags we wanted to introduce the idea of stores or storefronts. Kind of like a small town shopping area or possibly one store if the design gets too complicated.
Please note. I'm also asking our other top ranking designers to play with this idea I hope that is okay we really like your style of design and believe you would have a very strong logo.