hello, i came up with the idea of using an irregular shaped puzzle peice as a representation of the fact that your compnay provides solutions and you do it differently to all the rest =) the icon can easily be used in any format, layout or colours (web, print, as a standalone icon, black and white etc) due to its simplicity. any feedback would be great =) thanks!
Hi bugy, thanks for the submissions and for the explanation, I really like the thought you put into it and know it would work great. I really like #33, the other's look great but I find the triangle shape a bit alienish. Can we see #33 on a dark backgound, maybe with the font a touch heavier?( I am scared the IT Solutions Inc. would get lost?). How would it look if we gave the puzzle piece some dimension?
#48 is great! Although with #48 the outside circles used to be joined with a softer connection (more roundish) like in #38. Can you get the roundish connections back in to replace the cylinder connections?(wow I hope that makes sense:)) Can you do the same treatment on #32?
yea i know what you mean, this is getting to the edge of my knowledge and skills of 3d modelling so i guess its time for me to start learning some more =)
ill see what i can do, thanks for the ongoing feedback =)
ok so, im really struggling with these detailed 3D ones, i just want to make the point that nine times out of ten, simple is best =) if you do any sort of research into logo design they will always say things along the lines of "find a strong concept / idea then reduce it to its simplest form" not to mention that the more effects you put in the more difference you will get when the logo is printed on b-cards and in black and white (these fancy effects simply wont work in print, except for magazines) you want your logo to always be recognizable in any format. i'd love to hear your thoughts on my above comments =)
meanwhile, here is another subtle variation on the puzzle piece design
I'm a big fan of this one, the green makes it look fresh and modern while the black background, silvery grey and the nature of the type for "distinctive" retain the "techy" feel of it overall
You know what, I totally agree with you! The new submissions look sweet (#82-#85). Now I cant decide which colour to choose. What does it look like without the vertical dividing line?
same with the original triangle mark, its not quite so pointy and harsh when inside a shape like this. i think they are both strong in different ways, ill let you decide, after all this is your baby =)
oh fyi, #82 and #84 are my favorite ones in terms of colour but obviously thats up to you, colour is one thing that you dont need to be an expert to choose =)
just let me know if there is anything else you would like to see, i can continue to upload entries after the contest ends and goes into judging, provided that I'm still ranked first =)
Hi bugy! Wow this whole baby things is crazy! I love it. I think I actually like #191 the best out of all your new revisions. How about one without the vertical line? (you knew I would ask;))
colour option in case you prefer, having the bottom live of text in gray serves the same purpose as the dividing line in that it helps to break up the colours a bit
Hi bugy, Can you adjust #128 and try silver for 'IT SOLUTIONS INC'? #203 is wicked but unfortunately I think it looks a little two much like a game company logo and reminds me of radioactive:(