#9 - I like the simplicity in the color scheme but would like some pop to it. This will be on business cards, letterhead, website, etc. I think due think the initials are difficult to read (hard to see that's a Z) I do need a registered trademark symbol after Realtor.
#7 - I like the key idea but would like the key to be the other direction with the Capitol as one of the key prong and the National Monument as another key prong. You can put the Distinct Realtor Zondre Morris under the key. I also do not like the grey to red fade on Distinct or the font itself.
#12 - this is great. Here are a couple things. You can remove my name and initials. I would like the key to be a bit longer with more space between the Capitol and the Monument. The Monument to be taller and more detail with the Capitol (so you can tell that is what it is), also make the dome a bit wider. The key itself could you make it more three dimensional and more of a rich yellow golden color. The round part itself can be smaller with some design to it and add more emphasis to the part where the Capitol and Monument is. The tagline can be Providing Keys To Your City. Also maybe to add some pop to the over logo can you try encapsulating the entire thing in a colored circle such as a deep red color while making the logo look illuminated.