We like the color of #5 and #6, so keep those, but not #1 or #2. Try blue for those.
The image reminds me to much of lightning, or electricity. Our industry doesn't have anything to do with that. We would prefer the image not to be industry related, but more of an abstract image. Something new and unique, that way we can use it as our trademark image on the website, business cards, etc. Please also change the font for the word "voltage" as it also reminds us to much of electricity.
As for the placement of the image, we like #6 better than #5, so keep it to the left of the website name.
We also like the way you put the word "low" vertically.
#16 and #17 We would like the line between the image and company name to be removed. Can you please also change the ".com" to black and make the "Low Voltage" in color. It's also a little hard to read the "Low" when it's in the black box. A few more image ideas would be nice to.
We like the idea of using DLV in the image (#24), but not how it's laid out right now. It reads to much like LDV. And if the image could be a little more unique, instead of just letters in a circle, that would be ideal.
For the company name, we like the layout and font used in #13. The word "Discount" is above "Low" and the ".com" is below "Voltage". The font and color of green used looks good.
dy_design Thanks for so many entries. I feel like were headed in the right direction (#26) with the name, but not the image. I would prefer similar ideas like #33, #41 and #31. Maybe something unique like those entries and the letters DLV incorporated into it.
#70 is getting close. For the name, we would like to change the L in the word Low to regular font, not extended all the way under the whole word. We also want the word Voltage not to be all capitalized. Voltage in stead of VOLTAGE.
The image still just isn't sticking. We don't want the image to extend into the name, because we would like to be able to remove just the image and use it on marketing material. And we also think it kinda looks like an egg. Any other ideas? Maybe something 3 dimensional looking like #56, #72 and #69.