The detail is SPECTACULAR.... you are so talented... thank you... THIS BUTTERFLY IS GORGEOUS... my concern is from 6 ft away would this stand out on a shelf for a skin care bottle ? up question However from afar I don't want to rely on a color to make this pop... What I think might help me is if you can enlarge the butterfly and try a few different fonts making them a bit larger and bolder. This current font fits the butterfly perfectly.... however I we would like for the font to represent strength and the butterfly to represent beauty and transformation. Yet blending together without throwing the other off too much.
OOOOOOh so beautiful.... I'm so blessed to have so many wonderful designers to help me with this...Your butterfly is amazing and your font choice is perfect. Really you are so talented... its beautiful. It truly shows a masculine base with a feminine exterior.... Even a men would think this is cool...!
Thank you so much, for your entry, I am overwhelmed with the magic of your design, as you can imagine there are so many amazing entries and not 1 better than the other just different. We are so excited at the response from this logo tournament that our company has decided to release several lines in the near future because of the inspiration gained from designs like this one and we are very interested in your design for future use with a line that actually suits the demographic that we believe that your design speaks to.
If possible please leave your contact email and number and design reference at and we will either ask you directly to submit a design or use the one created, than you so much for your talent and time. Once again, I am overwhelmed at your creativity and thank you.