Can the sunrise in the image be altered to reflect more of a lens flare (ie fewer light streams) than a sunrise? I'd also like to see it at a different angle.
Apologies, my wording was a bit flawed, I would like to see the lens flare half concealed, as if coming around the 'planet'. A blend between lens flare and sunrise if you will. Like the shine of the sun just before it rises.
Lol, no! so hard to do this by typing only. I think i understand the point of confusion. Let me try it this way: Take #39, move the flare to the location of the 'sunrise' on the original submission, so that half of it is covered by the grey 'planet'. #40 is the right color scheme, but i'm trying to see a little yellow in there - the half covered lens flare would be about right.
please let me know if you are OK with it.....If you are OK with the concept then please send a mail to Logotournament Admin that you don't have any issues with it........
I may be prohibited from submitting my entries in your contest if designer community decides it is same......
Happy with the similarity, please continue with this design. #47, #48, #49 - they look good! Could you modify these to reduce the symmettry on the flare?
I wouldn't worry about the similarity to the other project, we're already going in a slightly different direction by replacing the 'sun' with more of a lans flare.
Could I see a version of #111 and #112 with the slogan added beneath? Ideally without resizing or repositioning anything that's there already? Refer to magmion's entry #75 for reference.