Different PerspectiveLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Different Perspective

Different Perspective has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 48 designs from 8 different designers from around the world.


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I love your design, I love how you used the "C" to be both a C and part of the camera on the drone, I understand that it's a "C" but I'm worried that not everyone else will, can you make two other ones? One with the "C" alittle bit more identifiable but still remaining as the camera if possible. And then another with the "C" the same font as the rest of it so it doesn't act as both the camera in the "C". And then keep the drone in it but add a little camera on the bottom of it and still came integrated into the design somehow? Thanks
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you so much for your feedback..I sent some adjustment and different variations hopeness you like..
any others feedback will be nice..:)
Best Regards
9 years ago
Thank you very much for all your adjustments, I have a few more tweaks to some of these. On #17 I love the font and two colors together! I think the word "perspective" is alittle too spread out, can you just make it bigger and keep the letters closer together? I like how "perspective" sticks out longer than different and I like how the camera on the drone is like the dot on the I. Keep all that the same but just make the font bigger and the letters closer together. Also I want you to change the drone, I don't like how far the camera sticks down. I would like the camera to be about half a far down and it is now from the drone body. Also I want the arms of the drone to be angled up like in the photo I attached instead of straight out like they are now, keep the propellers the same thought! I love how those look!!
For #14 if you wanna mess with that one too, I would like to see the middle of the "C" instead of having the eyeball thing, having part of the shutter looking thing inside like the fist one but keep it the same "C" shape it is now if thar makes sense?
Thanks so much for working with me.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello again..
Nice..glad able to working for you..:)
here some adjustment and variations..#19, #20, #21, #22, #23
if you need others revisions please let me know..
don't be hesitate, your continue feedback will be so helpfull to guide ,achieve the logo that you want..:)
Thank's again..
Best Regards
9 years ago
#21 looks awesome! My favorite so far I think, a couple of things on this one..the whole drone looks like it needs to move over just slightest bit to the right. The camera doesn't look to me like it lines up right over the "I" but other then that everything looks perfect!! I love how the drone looks like the most on this one out of all of them!
9 years ago
Oh yea I was gonna ask as well, can you do a version as well without the green lines? I think I like them , but I just wanna see what it looks like without them. But I want to keep the version with green lines too, so fix the camera "I" thing and then make two versions, one with green lines and one without.
Also I was just curious what do I do if I want a black background down the road? Will you provide me with a black background and white background version? And on the black version will the font that is greyish that will be white instead right?
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello again..
I'm not sure if this revision right or not..
is this you mean like #25, #26, and #27?
if not yet like what you want I'll pleasure for other revisions..
and sure I'll provide with both black and white BG..no worries..:)
Thank's again for responsive feedback..
Best Regards
9 years ago
You did perfect! I absolutely love how this is coming along, I don't want you to change anything now except can you make a black version of #26 just so I can see what it looks like? Thanks
9 years ago
Logo Designer
nice hear that you like..:)
and here #29 Black BG version..
and #30, #31 just make sure that the logo also work at B n W versions that night you need in printing process...
If you need others please, don't hesitate...

Best Regards
9 years ago
Perfect! So you'll provide me with all those versions right? The white background, the black background, and the black and white versions right? I put all the black background versions and the black in white versions in the none interested section just so they weren't on the ranking thing and out of the way, it's not because I don't like them! Just wanted to clearify that! I absolutely love how it's turning out! As of right now I have no more tweaks, I'm going to study it and also show it to some of my friends and family and see if they would change anything at all!
Thanks so much!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes, sure I'll provide that for you..:)
Thank you again..
Best Regards
9 years ago
Thank you so much! So just curious if you would make a few more designs using different fonts? I just want to see different options so I know I'm making the right font choice! Use fonts you think would look good for my logo. Thanks so much!
9 years ago
But keep the drone the same exact way! I love how it is! My favorite part of the logo!!
9 years ago
Thanks for sending different fonts, I think my favorite is still #26 but I do like #33 too!
9 years ago
Ok so I like #37 I love the font and how it's alittle bigger, just looks different to me and I really like it, that thar the exact same but instead of having the green strip with the "aerial photography" inside of it, keep it the same size so it's not at long as the different perspective and just have the font font from #26 without the green strip outline. Also make the spacing between the aerial photography letters smaller. And make the font size bigger to stay in the same area it is now if that makes any sense..lol
9 years ago
Alright almost there, make the spacing between the letters smaller on "aerial photography" so it looks more like #27 but the bigger size font like you have now and the spacing between the letter is less too! Does that make sense?
9 years ago
Also move the drone over just a tad bit to the right so that the camera lines up with letter "I" in perspective
9 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm not sure..
is that you mean like #39 and #40?
9 years ago
Ok almost there, I like everything except I want the words "aerial photography" to look like they do on #27 which I put in second place so you can see it. And I want the font like #27, you changed it on this most recent version (just the font of "aerial photography) all the other font is perfect!
I want it smaller like it is on #27 not all way spread across the logo, like it is now.
More towards the middle
9 years ago
Will you also take #38 and just move the drone over a tad bit so it lines up who the letter "I" in perspective. And don't change anything else and I will choose between the one you are working on now with those revisions I told you and #38 revised
Thanks so much!
Sorry for the confusion..
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you..
It's oke no worries ..
pleasure for working for you..:)
here #44 and #45
Best Regards
9 years ago
Thank you very much! That perfect! I am going to review them for awhile and ask some friends what they think and I'll let you know if I have any revisions! I'm very happy with it so far though!
9 years ago
Will you send me #45 with a black background?
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure with pleasure..here #46..
9 years ago
Thank you!
9 years ago
So I ended the contest early because yours is my favorite and there was no point in waiting around, so now I guess you send me the logo right? I just want to make sure, you are going to send me all possible logos, like black, white, color for white and color for black background, and all of the files will be alpha channel right? So I can use it over anything? and they are all vector files too? So they can big as big as I need!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you so much..
Yes sure that's all right..
I'll prepare the final files..
some files will be send directly to your emai address..:)
Thank's again..
Best Regards
9 years ago
Thank you so much!
9 years ago
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