DEXERDRYLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / DEXERDRY
DEXERDRY has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 339 designs
from 64 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
We make a building product, the name Dexerdry is intended to sound like DECKS ARE DRY. The building Industry is our target audience. We currently have a logo that we love, but wanted to update the look to include a patriotic, American theme. Go to to see the logo. We were thinking of renovating the "X" to incorporate RED WHITE AND BLUE, like an American flag.
Color Preferences
Black and white, add Red, White and Blue.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
DeXerdry sounds like "decks are dry". We want to keep that logo but add in a patriotic American theme, primarily the the the "X" Our product is placed between the deck boards as the deck is installed to prevent the elements from getting through the gaps that conventional decks have. Our product protects you from rain, snow, debris etc, and protects the deck frame and anything underneath, people, outdoor furniture etc.