You really are on creative spree. Along with these logos you can also submit a "go wild" design of your own imagination without my limiting directives.
Dear Bordo, I like your fonts alot. Can you please make a logo without the nautilus mark, with just the "deuxartistes" ("deux" bolder than "artistes") and under the name write "athens"? Thank you very much.
Hi Bordo, #224 can you put as a lettermark above the "deuxartistes" your letter "a" but squared as in mathematics ( a² ). If my imagination doesn't fail me, I think we may have a winner here. Thank you for your beautiful designs so far.
Exactly #251 is the design I mean. This is my winner!!! Well done!!! Just a couple of improvements, please make the "deuxartistes" as it is written in #223 , and also I would like to see a version with general background color light blue and white lettering. My favorite designs of you are: #251 and #223 Congratulations Bordo!!!
Bordo, I chose #256 as my winner, thank you for an excellent and talented job. I also like #254 (the black version) and #223 (if you can make that except black also in color #256 would be great). Thank you again.