#37 Very creative. I like the colors and the movement. I don't prefer the look of the two buildings (houses?). The four windows in each don't look quite right to me. I'm sorry, I'm not sure why. #23 Also very creative. Like we open the doors to real estate. But this is a theme often used by typical realty companies and real estate sales agents.
Also, please see my latest public comment to all about the word NETWORK in Destiny Real Estate Network. And about "community".
#69 I really like this one. Please show it with the word "Network" as in Destiny Real Estate Network. Also, I would like to compare this one with more vibrant colors. Thank you!!!
#54 Great color, great design. I expect others will like this one. Please also show this one with the word "Network" as in Destiny Real Estate Network.
Can you think of a way to give the feeling of community and of opportunity for all, not just those that are involved with big office buildings?
*I will be getting feedback from colleagues soon. I will consider their feedback so rankings may change.
#95 This one is absolutely brilliant! I can see the progression. From a small building to bigger and bigger. The circle is the community, the network, and the education. Below the circle there is grey = no understanding, no emotion, but above the circle their is full color, passion, fulfillment! The circle, it looks like a marriage ring, which symbolizes commitment (the commitment that the company makes back to the associate). I don't know if it is even possible to improve this one. It is great. I would love to see it in a in a few other color combinations. I hope that is not asking too much, but for the first time I truly got excited that a designer was really on to something excellent and so fitting to my business. It would be great to see it using, for example, the colors as in #87. (But I don't like so much the darkened background behind the word "Destiny" in #87) Great job.
Now here is the disclaimer: If NONE of my people like this one, then I have to take their collective input. Though I will say that it will take very compelling argument against me to change my mind. I really think this or some slight variation of this will be my number one choice.
#87 Hi. I posted my top 12 choices for feedback from my Facebook friends and others and this one is the overall favorite. I'm close to this being my final selection but I am not so fond of the grey backdrop behind the word "Destiny". Would it be possible for you to show one identical to this without the grey rectangle and grey "flairs" at the base of the buildings? And, I have been told be several who did not pick this as their favorite that they would have chosen it if the color RED was in it because red is a "power color". So, could I also see without the grey and with the curve being in Red OR the curve not changed but one of the buildings (the largest or the middle size) being RED? Or maybe the "Destiny" in a dark red? (Because I really like the colors of the buildings and the curve as it is on #87. Thank you!!!
Thank you! I am definitely selecting one of yours and am about to end the contest. #133 is the favorite. Could I see it with ALL letters in Black or Dark Grey/Charcoal? Then I will end the contest selecting one of yours. There is no need to make any changes to #133 other than the letters. I am VERY pleased with the graphic. It represents all that my company is about. You have done a great job!
You were very patient with me and very diligent. The result is a logo that I am VERY happy with AND that is admired by everyone I show it to. Thank you so much for your work and for sharing your talent.