Color Preferences
My lab colors are a aqua blue (a mix between brilliant blue and turquoise-not aqua) and Lime Green (not the highlighter lime green, a little darker than that). I actually loved my very first logo, but I need something that looks more professional and not like I did it from paint.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
My current logo has a palm tree, a sun, and waves and just says my full business name under it. I would like all these things to be incorporated in my logo still except I am leaning towards my logo just saying "DOL" instead of having the full name, then including the full name on things when I need too.
Things to incorporate in new logo:
-palm trees
-the initials "DOL"
I attached my first logo I used (all black), the one I am using now (in color), and an idea a friend had.
I want my logo to look professional, clean, modern, dreamy (like how being at the beach is!), and I want it to POP! I am open to it having a 3D look too.