Derechos UnidosLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Derechos Unidos
Derechos Unidos has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 289 designs
from 62 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
This the brand name for my law office. I want the Spanish-speaking community to see our office as their 1st stop for any legal need regardless of the field of law (Immigration, Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, etc.). The name means Unified Rights.
Color Preferences
Classic and bold colors like Blues, Greys and Black
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I like the strength of the United Farmworkers logo but I have no interest in making my logo a rip-off of that. I would like the logo to express law (like using scales of justice or the blind lady justice statue). The logo cannot be too busy because I intend to put it on a box sign on the street front side of my building, an overall space of 3 ft tall x 10 ft wide.
Style Inspiration