Denver Children's Advocacy Center 30th AnniversaryLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Denver Children's Advocacy Center 30th Anniversary
Denver Children's Advocacy Center 30th Anniversary has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 181 designs
from 37 different designers from around the world.
We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired.
Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Our mission is to prevent abuse, strengthen families, and restore childhood.
Target audience is donors, supporters, volunteers and our constituents.
We serve families with a focus on kids.
Target audience is donors, supporters, volunteers and our constituents.
We serve families with a focus on kids.
Color Preferences
Here are our primary colors:
Green: CMYK: 60 10 100 0
RGB: 117 175 10
Hex: #75af0a
Blue: CMYK: 90 58 0 0
RGB: 0 107 183
Hex: #006bb7
Orange: CMYK: 4 41 100 0
RGB: 240 161 32
Hex: #f0a120
Here are our secondary colors:
Pantone 366
CMYK: 32 0 68 0
RGB: 180 219 120
Hex: #b4db78
Pantone 3415
CMYK: 89 30 86 18
RGB: 0 117 74
Hex: #00754a
Pantone Dark Blue
CMYK: 100 82 5 0
RGB: 17 75 155
Hex: #114b9b
Pantone 152
CMYK: 9 63 97 1
RGB: 222 120 42
Hex: #de782a
Pantone 709
CMYK: 0 77 38 0
RGB: 241 97 119
Hex: #f16177
Pantone 710
CMYK: 4 90 65 0
RGB: 229 61 81
Hex: #e53d51
CMYK: 0 0 0 45
RGB: 157 159 162
Hex: #9d9fa2
CMYK: 0 0 0 75
RGB: 99 100 102
Hex: #636466
CMYK: 0 0 0 100
RGB: 0 0 0
Hex: #000000
Green: CMYK: 60 10 100 0
RGB: 117 175 10
Hex: #75af0a
Blue: CMYK: 90 58 0 0
RGB: 0 107 183
Hex: #006bb7
Orange: CMYK: 4 41 100 0
RGB: 240 161 32
Hex: #f0a120
Here are our secondary colors:
Pantone 366
CMYK: 32 0 68 0
RGB: 180 219 120
Hex: #b4db78
Pantone 3415
CMYK: 89 30 86 18
RGB: 0 117 74
Hex: #00754a
Pantone Dark Blue
CMYK: 100 82 5 0
RGB: 17 75 155
Hex: #114b9b
Pantone 152
CMYK: 9 63 97 1
RGB: 222 120 42
Hex: #de782a
Pantone 709
CMYK: 0 77 38 0
RGB: 241 97 119
Hex: #f16177
Pantone 710
CMYK: 4 90 65 0
RGB: 229 61 81
Hex: #e53d51
CMYK: 0 0 0 45
RGB: 157 159 162
Hex: #9d9fa2
CMYK: 0 0 0 75
RGB: 99 100 102
Hex: #636466
CMYK: 0 0 0 100
RGB: 0 0 0
Hex: #000000
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We have a logo we like a lot. However, it's our 30th anniversary so we would like to modify and/or incorporate our logo to celebrate the 30th anniversary. The goal is to have this replace much of our branding during our birthday year, so instead of using our logo, we'll use this new design, which should contain our logo with something about the 30th anniversary in a design as well as language.