Thanks for your great design work. Can you try to make entry #6's font look like entry #3. In other words all on the same line. Please include .com at the end and Paintless Dent Removal under. Entry #6 will be perfect for t-shirts and website but I'm also looking for something that will "POP" on the side of our work vehicles. I really like your P&D Maintenance logo.
I hope it's not to late but can you take the font you used for #15 "dents" and replace #52 with that same font "dents", remove the gradient at the bottom an add a sweeping image of a car across the top like #21 and I think we'll have a winner!
Do you want me to remove the entire shape with the gradient, or just remove the gradient form the shape & make it a solid color? I'm working on the revised logo right now... Thanks