Really liking this one. A few things: 1. Can we see this without any background color gradient? (Pure white) 2. Can you try a different treatment with the lettering..maybe each word in a different color, maybe different font...different ideas would be cool. 3. Love the blue and green, but could we maybe see a different color combo like blue and purple or green and purple...we just really like the purple color for the logo ranked #3.
I've had a few people comment that i might be a bit more "gentle" by rounding off the bottom edges...right now it's a little sharp..could you round those off a bit more? Also, would you mind doing a green/ light purple combo and a blue/light purple combo? We think the purple right now is too dark.
the shape is more rounded and smooth as required, I think it is very beautiful. the entry 55 is very nice as the 53, only that the 55 is lighter. might look like the light purple to pink, but it is very beautiful all the same. the 56 is much darker but the light purple is good.
We like how you have rounded the edges of the tooth on the bottom. However, we like the colors in #61--we prefer these shades of purple, blue and green (not that you need all 3 in your logo). We prefer your design without any gradients or fades in the design. We like the fonts in #58, 61, 70 and 71. We look forward to seeing your designs!
62 colors are too dark, reminiscent of rotten teeth, do you need the bright colors, however it is just a tip chart. I created a new form and set the colors and fonts applied. 's # 85 and # 90 are very beautiful and simple (90 are the colors you request and are very beautiful)