jerukKeprok - Thank you for your entries. Entry #1 is currently ranked 1st because I like the logo better than the other two entries. When I look at logo Entry #1 it does take on multiple forms, the letter D, a heart, partial anatomy of a tooth. I dig the shadow that is beneath the logo in Entry #1, detail like the shadow goes a long way. The color scheme in Entry #1 is nice but I would like for you to try a different background color without losing the shadow detail. Would you lose the shadow detail if the background color was blue? Lastly, I would capitalize both D's and perhaps try some alternative fonts just to see what else is possible font wise. As for Entry #2 and Entry #3 they are not catching my eye like Entry #1. Thanks.
jerukKeprok - Thanks for the update and providing me with alternative color schemes and fonts. I like the green back ground better than the blue back ground. Entry #1, which is currently in first place is the entry to beat. One last request, can you use Entry #4 font in Entry #1?
jerukKeprok - I like Entry #1 but can you make a slight modification? Keep everything the same but just capitalize both d's, keeping the same font. That should be it.