#57 is a beautiful graphic - Alumni Network needs to be more prominent and the Hebrew would be nice. The Hebrew in #71 looks a bit out of place, like the Hebrew in #72 more - but again, Alumni Network needs to be more prominent. Beautiful work!
#57 is a great visual graphic. I love the figure moving through the door and I appreciate that the star is still present but not as dominant. Still looking for more emphasis on "alumni". Wonder if it would work for DeLeT to be in Hebrew only or primarily, so as to emphasize the Alumni aspect more boldly in the English? This idea might be all wrong- I am not a designer--but just a thought?
#57 Agree-- can you put the word DeLeT in English with the Hebrew on one line so that on the next line Alumni Network can be larger to see what that looks like? Also, I think having a larger Alumni Network would help the yellow not get lost in the white background. Just a thought. Thanks!
Sorry, must remove #55 and #70, because Revotype said it's a same concept as he does in his #21. because at first I thought is a different concept.... Sorry of because this situation... Thank You.
#81 Thanks--this looks terrific...one last request...can you put the English word, DeLeT, in yellow, and put Alumni Network in blue. I think then the eye is drawn to those words--which is what we really want. Thank you!
#110 There has been feedback that we're looking for an image that shows community...is there a way to put smaller "people" in front of the person coming through door so it's not as individualistic.